danganronpa /
pokemon /
nier: automata /
kingdom hearts /
kagerou project /
persona (specifically 3 & 5) / ffxv (playing!) / dod3 / sonic /
creepy/cute things / horror games & stories / historical stuff / various other video games / ask for more
favorites (tag me in any of these!)
ouma, nanami, naegi, saihara (dr) / sylveon, mimikyu, plusle/minun, many of the pika clones, piplup, etc + rosa, red, green, gold, brendan, may (pokemon) / 9s (nier:a) / sora & roxas (kh) / shintarou, kano, ayano, haruka (kagepro) / akira, ken, futaba, haru (persona) / prompto, noctis (ffxv)